If reminder minutes are set but the reminder isn’t set, a reminder won’t be triggered. The IsAllDayEvent and IsReminderSet columns are left blank for "no" you can use anything for yes: 1, "x", or the word "Yes" is suggested.Įnter a number for ReminderMinutesBeforeStart (1440 is 1 day).

Use Busy, Free, or Tentative as values in the Free/Busy column. The Administrator wanted to import notes in the Body, change the Free/Busy state, as well create some All Day Events and set reminders, so we added columns to the CSV for Body, LegacyFreeBusyStatus, IsAllDayEvent, IsReminderSet and ReminderMinutesBeforeStart. Using just the required fields, Free/Busy will be set to Busy and a reminder is set based on the user’s default reminder options. Import-CalendarCSV -CSVFileName F:\Documents\calendar.csv -EmailAddress -username -password thepassword
If you aren't using Impersonation, you need to add the username and password to the cmdlet: Import-CalendarCSV -CSVFileName F:\Imports\calendar.csv -EmailAddress -Impersonate $true The only two ways I have found are both awkward: 1) import into the default calendar and then use List view to select the ones you just imported ('if' you can isolate them all with a given search term) and then cut and paste or drag into the desired calendar, or 2) change the default calendar in account settings to do the import and then. I've been reading up and have yet to find a solution. Now you are ready to import the CSV into one mailbox using this command I want to import an ICS into a new or selected Outlook calendar that is not my default calendar. Create CSV file using, at minimum, these fields: Subject, Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time.

Configure Exchange Impersonation. You can use the mailbox owner username and password in the cmdlet, instead of impersonation.Copy the Import-CalendarCSV.ps1 to the Exchange directory at C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin (Not required, but it’s easier to use if you do).